Caviar Is The Elegant Pizza Topping We Didn’t Know We Always Needed

Pizza is a beloved food all over the world. It’s hot, cheesy, and incredibly versatile. From classic cheese and red sauce to wild and unexpected toppings, pizza can be enjoyed in endless combinations. But have you ever thought of adding caviar as a topping? New York-based Stretch Pizza has taken the classic concept of pizza and elevated it with luxurious and inventive spins. With celebrity chef Wylie Dufresne behind the menu, this pizza spot is not your average pizzeria. And their latest holiday offering, the Caviar Pie, is proof of that. Let’s dive into the world of caviar-topped pizza and discover why it’s the elegant topping we never knew we needed.

The Story Behind Stretch Pizza

Caviar Is The Elegant Pizza Topping We Didn’t Know We Always Needed

Stretch Pizza is not your typical pizza joint. Located in New York City, this spot is known for its creative and unconventional takes on the classic dish. The man behind the menu is none other than celebrity chef Wylie Dufresne. Known for his molecular gastronomy techniques, Dufresne has made a name for himself in the culinary world with his innovative and playful approach to food. And Stretch Pizza is no exception.

Dufresne’s vision for Stretch Pizza was to create a place where people could enjoy high-quality, delicious pizza in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. With a focus on using fresh and locally sourced ingredients, Stretch Pizza offers a unique and constantly evolving menu that keeps customers coming back for more. And one of their most popular and talked-about dishes is the Caviar Pie.

The Caviar Pie: A Luxurious Twist on Pizza

Caviar Is The Elegant Pizza Topping We Didn’t Know We Always Needed

The Caviar Pie at Stretch Pizza is not your average pizza. This decadent creation features a thin crust topped with crème fraîche, mozzarella, and dollops of caviar. The combination of creamy, tangy, and salty flavors creates a truly luxurious experience for the taste buds. And it’s not just any caviar that’s used in this dish. Stretch Pizza sources their caviar from top-quality farms, ensuring only the best for their customers.

But what inspired Dufresne to create such an unconventional pizza topping? According to him, it was all about taking something familiar and elevating it to a new level. In an interview with Food Wine magazine, he said, “I wanted to take something that people are familiar with and give them a different way to experience it.” And that’s exactly what the Caviar Pie does. It takes the classic comfort food of pizza and adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to it.

The Ingredients: A Perfect Marriage of Flavors

The key to a successful dish is using high-quality ingredients that complement each other. And the Caviar Pie at Stretch Pizza is a perfect example of this. Let’s break down the components of this unique pizza and see how they come together to create a harmonious flavor profile.

Crème Fraîche

Crème fraîche is a type of cultured cream that has a slightly tangy and nutty flavor. It’s thicker than regular cream and has a higher fat content, making it perfect for spreading on pizza dough. The addition of crème fraîche to the Caviar Pie adds a rich and creamy element to the dish, balancing out the saltiness of the caviar.


No pizza is complete without cheese, and the Caviar Pie is no exception. But instead of using the traditional mozzarella, Stretch Pizza uses aged mozzarella. This type of mozzarella has a stronger and more complex flavor, which pairs well with the other ingredients in the pie. It also adds a nice texture to the pizza, creating a contrast between the creamy crème fraîche and the chewy cheese.


Of course, the star of the show is the caviar. This delicacy is made from the roe (eggs) of sturgeon fish and is known for its briny and slightly salty taste. The caviar used in the Caviar Pie is sourced from top-quality farms, ensuring that only the best and freshest caviar makes it onto the pizza. The pops of salty flavor from the caviar add a luxurious touch to the dish and elevate it to a whole new level.

A Pizza Topping Fit for Special Occasions

The Caviar Pie at Stretch Pizza is not your everyday pizza topping. It’s something you would order for a special occasion or when you want to treat yourself to something truly indulgent. And that’s exactly how Dufresne intended it to be. In an interview with Eater, he said, “It’s definitely a special occasion pizza. It’s not something you’re going to eat every day.” But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying. In fact, the Caviar Pie has become somewhat of a cult favorite among foodies and pizza lovers alike.

Other Inventive Pizzas at Stretch Pizza

While the Caviar Pie may be the most talked-about dish at Stretch Pizza, it’s not the only inventive pizza on the menu. Dufresne and his team are constantly coming up with new and creative toppings to keep customers on their toes. Here are some other unique pizzas you can find at Stretch Pizza:

The Everything Bagel Pizza

Inspired by the beloved New York City staple, the Everything Bagel Pizza is a must-try for any bagel lover. This pizza features a cream cheese base, aged mozzarella, everything bagel spice, and chives. The combination of flavors creates a pizza that’s reminiscent of a classic bagel with cream cheese and lox. And the addition of everything bagel spice adds a nice crunch and depth of flavor to the dish.

The Bee Sting Pizza

For those who like a little heat in their food, the Bee Sting Pizza is the perfect choice. This pizza features a spicy tomato sauce, soppressata (a type of Italian salami), chili oil, and honey. The combination of spicy and sweet creates a delicious balance of flavors that will leave your taste buds buzzing. And if you’re feeling extra adventurous, you can add some Calabrian chilies for an even bigger kick.

The Cheeseburger Pizza

Who says you have to choose between pizza and a cheeseburger? With the Cheeseburger Pizza at Stretch Pizza, you can have both. This pizza features a beef patty, American cheese, pickles, onions, and special sauce. It’s basically a cheeseburger on top of a pizza, and it’s as delicious as it sounds. This pizza is proof that Dufresne and his team are not afraid to push the boundaries and create unique and unexpected combinations.

The Rise of Caviar-Topped Dishes

While caviar may seem like an unconventional topping for pizza, it’s not the first time this delicacy has been incorporated into dishes outside of its traditional use. In recent years, we’ve seen a rise in caviar-topped dishes, from burgers to ice cream. Here are some other creative ways caviar has been used in the culinary world:

Caviar Burgers

Burgers are a classic comfort food, but some restaurants are taking them to a whole new level by adding caviar as a topping. One example is the “Caviar Burger” at Serendipity 3 in New York City. This burger features a beef patty topped with black truffle butter, caramelized onions, and a generous serving of caviar. And with a price tag of $295, it’s safe to say this is not your average burger.

Caviar Ice Cream

Yes, you read that right. Caviar ice cream is a thing, and it’s gaining popularity among foodies and adventurous eaters. The idea of mixing salty caviar with sweet ice cream may seem strange, but the combination actually works surprisingly well. Some restaurants serve caviar ice cream as a dessert, while others incorporate it into savory dishes like pasta or sushi.

Caviar Tacos

Tacos are another classic dish that has been given a luxurious twist with the addition of caviar. Restaurants like Empellón in New York City offer “Caviar Tacos” on their menu, which feature crispy tortilla shells filled with avocado, salmon roe, and caviar. The combination of creamy avocado and briny caviar creates a unique and delicious flavor profile that’s worth trying.

The Benefits of Eating Caviar

Aside from its luxurious reputation, caviar also offers numerous health benefits. Here are some reasons why adding caviar to your diet can be beneficial:

  • Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids: Caviar is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain and heart health.
  • High in protein: Caviar is a good source of protein, making it a great addition to any meal.
  • Contains vitamins and minerals: Caviar is rich in vitamins A, B12, and D, as well as minerals like iron, magnesium, and selenium.
  • Low in calories: Despite its rich and indulgent taste, caviar is surprisingly low in calories, making it a guilt-free treat.

Pizza is a beloved food all over the world, and it’s not hard to see why. It’s hot, cheesy, and incredibly versatile. And with the rise of unconventional toppings like caviar, pizza has become even more exciting and unexpected. The Caviar Pie at Stretch Pizza is a perfect example of how taking something familiar and elevating it can result in a truly unique and delicious dish. So next time you’re in New York City, be sure to stop by Stretch Pizza and try their famous Caviar Pie. Trust us, your taste buds will thank you.